Why Pregnant Women Should Not Smoke

Pregnancy is one of the most crucial times in a woman’s life when she has to take extra care of her health to have a smooth and hassle-free journey. Smoking during pregnancy is one of the things that is strictly prohibited, as it has a host of negative implications for both the mom and the fetus. If you are looking for compelling reasons to quit smoking during pregnancy, this article will help you understand some of its detrimental effects on your baby’s overall development as well as your health. Do you want to learn more? Continue reading to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.
5 Reasons Why Pregnant Women Should Not Smoke
Smoking during pregnancy is dangerous in various ways, as it leads to low breast milk quality and decreases the oxygen supply to the baby, resulting in even stillbirth. Here are six compelling reasons why pregnant women should avoid it:
1. Increased Risk of Preterm Birth
Smoking during pregnancy may result in preterm labor and preterm deliveries. The chances of stillbirth and miscarriages also significantly increase in the case of women who routinely smoke. It also leads to other complications, such as fetal implantation in the fallopian tube rather than the uterus.
2. Birth Defects
Some of the birth defects that have been associated with smoking during pregnancy are cleft lip and palate in babies. Smoking can also lead to premature birth, putting your little one’s life at more risk.
3. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Smoking during pregnancy is associated with a high risk of SIDS, which is the sudden and unexplained death of a healthy infant below the age of 1. Smoking could lead to a low oxygen supply to the baby’s lungs, and second-hand smoking effects, including underdeveloped brain and lungs, leading to this unfortunate condition.
4. Long-Term Developmental Issues
New studies point out that children born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy or routinely are likely to develop developmental and behavioral issues, including learning disorders, inattention, hyperactivity, ADHD, and low IQ. Besides that, asthma, unhealthy lungs, and other respiratory problems may also accompany these conditions.
5. Compromised Stem Cell Quality
Another factor that should be taken into consideration by expecting couples is stem cell banking. However, smoking, even when pregnant, is not good for the health of both the mother and the unborn child, as it can reduce the quality and potential of stem cells in the baby. It could decrease the success rate of stem cell therapies or transplants significantly.
Secure your Family’s Future with Cryoviva
One of the most common pregnancy tips given to soon-to-be-moms is to avoid smoking, alcohol, and unhealthy diets, and rightfully do. Smoking while pregnant can put your baby’s life and future at risk and lead to the escalation of health issues in you as well.
However, you can extend these cautions and protection to your family even after your baby is born through the use of stem cell banking. Facilities like Cryoviva offer stem cell storage services, ensuring that your kids have the best protection against any life-threatening diseases, including cancer. So, register with Cryoviva today and select from their cost-effective product packages.