Rs 52,000
- Affordable Protection for Your Precious One

Product Benefits
Our entry-level package ensures quality and affordability:
- Zero Interest EMI options available
- Semi- Automated processing of Cord Blood
- Lifetime storage plan available at an additional cost
- INR 40 Lakh Financial Assistance for critical illnesses
- INR 20 Lakh Disaster Relief
- 1 Billion allogenic Mesenchymal Stem Cells
- Free Worldwide Shipment
- Free Colony Forming Unit
- Add-on Sample (Cell Bonus)
- Comprehensive scientific testing included
Rs 63,000
- Enhanced Security, Still Budget-Friendly

Product Benefits
Step up your health protection plan with this enhanced package:
- All benefits of the Super Saver package
- Autologous Cord tissue processing & storage
- Extended storage options
- Flexible payment plans to accommodate your budget
Rs 78,000
- The Gift of Health That Keeps Giving

Product Benefits
Our most popular package that balances affordability with comprehensive coverage:
- All benefits of the Saver package
- Fully Automated cord blood processing
- Enhanced storage benefits
- Priority processing and support
Rs 161,000
- Premium Protection for Discerning Parents

Product Benefits
For parents who demand the best in stem cell banking services:
- All benefits of the Blessing package
- All benefits of the previous packages included
Rs 351,000
- The Gold Standard in Stem Cell Banking

Product Benefits
Our flagship package offering top-tier stem cell banking and storage services:
- Lifetime guaranteed storage included
- Exclusive access to cutting-edge stem cell research and therapies
- Concierge service for all your family's future health needs
- All benefits of previous packages included
All Packages Include:
- Zero Interest EMI options
- Lifetime storage plan available at an additional cost
- Rs 40 Lakh Financial Assistance for CB & CT (Cord Blood & Cord Tissue)
- Rs 20 Lakh Disaster Relief
- 1 Billion allogenic Mesenchymal Stem Cells
- Free Worldwide Shipment
- Add-on Sample (Cell Bonus)
- Free Supplementary & Auxiliary Sample
- Free HLA Typing of CBU (Cord Blood Unit)
- Free Colony Forming Unit
*Subject to prevailing govt. requisitions governing stem cells.
Benefits of Choosing Cryoviva Life Sciences

Our advanced laboratories and storage facilities ensure the highest standards in stem cell banking.

Our team of qualified professionals includes top scientists and medical experts dedicated to safeguarding your child’s health.

From the collection and processing to the long-term storage of stem cells, we provide complete services.

Dedicated customer support professionals are available to assist you every step of the way.
Is cord blood banking guaranteed to cure diseases?
While cord blood stem cells have shown great promise in treating various conditions, there's no guarantee of a cure. However, banking provides a valuable resource that may be used in future treatments.
Can cord blood be used for other family members?
Yes, cord blood has a 50-75% chance of being a match for siblings and may also be suitable for parents or other close relatives.
What happens if we move to a different city or country?
Cryoviva offers worldwide shipping of stored stem cells when needed. We coordinate with medical facilities globally to ensure safe transfer and use of your banked cells.
How does the cost of private banking compare to public donation?
While public donation is free, it doesn't guarantee availability if your family needs the cells. Private banking ensures your family has access to genetically matched stem cells but involves an initial cost and annual storage fees.
What's the difference between cord blood and cord tissue banking?
Cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells, while cord tissue contains mesenchymal stem cells. Both have unique properties and potential applications in regenerative medicine.
How long can stem cells be stored?
Stem cells can be cryogenically preserved for decades. While the exact lifespan is still being studied, successfully stored stem cells have been used in treatments after 23+ years of storage. With proper preservation techniques, it's believed they could potentially last a lifetime.
Are there any risks to my child when collecting cord blood?
The collection process is completely safe for both mother and baby. It's done after the umbilical cord has been cut and the baby is separated from the mother. It doesn't interfere with the birthing process. There's no pain or risk involved for your newborn.
What's the difference between cord blood and cord tissue banking?
Cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells, which can develop into blood and immune system cells. Cord tissue, on the other hand, contains mesenchymal stem cells, which can develop into bone, cartilage, and connective tissues. Banking both provides a wider range of potential future treatments.
Can stem cells be used for siblings or other family members?
Yes, in many cases. The likelihood of a match is about 50-75% for siblings. Parents and grandparents may also be partial matches. However, the child's own stem cells (autologous use) are always a perfect match for themselves.
How successful are stem cell treatments?
Success rates vary depending on the condition being treated. For certain blood disorders and cancers, stem cell treatments have shown high success rates. Research is ongoing for many other conditions, with promising results in clinical trials for treatments of cerebral palsy, autism, and type 1 diabetes, among others.
Is stem cell banking covered by insurance?
Most insurance plans do not cover stem cell banking as it's considered a preventive measure. However, some companies offer payment plans to make it more affordable. In cases where stem cell treatment is medically necessary for an existing condition, the procurement and treatment may be covered.
How do I choose a reputable stem cell bank?
Look for banks accredited by AABB (formerly the American Association of Blood Banks) or other recognized accrediting bodies. Consider factors such as the bank's experience, financial stability, storage methods, and ability to release units for treatment. It's also wise to review their policies on confidentiality and what happens if the company changes ownership.
Can stem cells be collected during a C-section?
Yes, stem cells can be collected during both vaginal deliveries and C-sections. The collection process doesn't interfere with any type of delivery. Your healthcare provider and the collection specialist will coordinate to ensure a smooth process.
How soon after birth must the cord blood be collected?
Cord blood should be collected within minutes of birth, ideally within 15 minutes. The collection needs to happen before the placenta is delivered. This is why it's crucial to inform your healthcare provider and have arrangements made with a cord blood bank well in advance of your due date.
Can we bank stem cells if we're having twins?
Yes, you can bank stem cells for twins. Each baby will have their own umbilical cord, so it's possible to collect and store stem cells for each child separately. Some banks offer discounts for multiple births.
How often are banked stem cells actually used?
The use of privately banked stem cells is relatively rare, with estimates suggesting that the likelihood of use is between 1 in 400 to 1 in 200,000, depending on the study and the conditions included. However, as research advances and new treatments are developed, this rate may increase in the future.
How is the quality of stored stem cells maintained?
Stem cells are stored in specialized cryogenic tanks at extremely low temperatures (around -196°C or -320°F) using liquid nitrogen. At this temperature, all biological activity is essentially suspended, preserving the cells indefinitely. Banks perform regular quality checks and maintain backup power systems to ensure constant optimal storage conditions.