How to Deal with Mood Swing during Pregnancy

Category: Pregnancy Published On: 13 September, 2024

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As exciting as pregnancy is, it often brings mood swings with it. Your body and brain undergo major changes during this time. Primarily, mood swings during pregnancy are caused by hormonal shifts, which result in intense feelings and emotional ups and downs. However, it’s normal to experience emotional changes throughout your pregnancy journey, especially during the first trimester (6–10 weeks) and the end of the third trimester. You might feel joy one moment and sadness the next. 

But if you don’t know why they happen and how to cope with them, they might affect your pregnancy. If you’re also experiencing pregnancy mood swings, this article will give you practical tips on how to deal with them.

What are the Causes of Pregnancy Mood Swings?

Pregnancy mood swings are common and have various causes. Here’s a quick overview of what might be behind your changing moods:

  • Hormones: Increased estrogen and progesterone can impact your mental state.
  • Fatigue: Exhaustion in early and late pregnancy can affect your mood.
  • Morning Sickness: Nausea and vomiting can be stressful and upsetting.
  • Body Changes: Rapid physical changes may cause mixed feelings.
  • Anxiety: Worries about parenthood, finances, and childbirth are normal.
  • Past Experiences: Previous pregnancy complications can increase stress.
  • Sleep Issues: Difficulty sleeping, especially late in pregnancy, can worsen mood swings.

How to Deal with Mood Swing During Pregnancy: 5 Easy Ways

Mood swings are usually expected as an aspect of being pregnant. You can keep track of your pregnancy with a pregnancy cycle to ensure which trimester brings the most mood swings. However, they can be manageable by following some easy ways, including:

  1. Be Patient with Yourself

It is crucial to understand that you’re not alone; mood swings are normal during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Therefore, accept your emotions and be gentle with yourself. 

  1. Eat Well

Having a healthy diet is very important during pregnancy, not only for your physical well-being but also for your emotional and mental well-being. Include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits in your meals to have a well-balanced diet for a smooth pregnancy journey.

  1. Exercise

Basic to moderate exercises, such as walking, yoga, swimming, and prenatal aerobics, for approximately 30 minutes per day (150 minutes per week) during pregnancy reduces anxiety.

  1. Prioritize Sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for both the mother and the baby during pregnancy. Your sleep requirements may even change depending on your trimester, which you can track using a pregnancy cycle. Pregnant women should get 8 to 10 hours of sleep daily.

  1. Talk to Your Loved Ones

Ensure talking to your friends or family about your feelings during your pregnancy journey. Let them know you might react unexpectedly sometimes, and you can also join a club or group with other pregnant women to discuss your mood swings during pregnancy.


Invest in a Better Future Today!

Mood swings are temporary and common among expectant mothers. Hormonal changes and life adjustments can mainly affect your emotions. These mood swings can be manageable with a healthy lifestyle and exercises, plus spending your time with your loved ones.

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