How to Calculate Edd in Pregnancy

Category: Pregnancy Published On: 15 October, 2024

Have you got your big news and are excited to welcome your little one? You might be wondering how to predict the date of your baby’s arrival. Well, we have come up with the information for you to calculate the delivery date. 

You can project the date of your baby's arrival with the EDD calculator. EDD, or Estimate Due Date, is the date when you will begin your labour without any medical intervention. Let us look at different pregnancy calculators.

Calculating Estimated Due Dates

Calculating your EDD is generally done using Ultrasound or formula. The formula method makes it easy to calculate the due dates; however, the ultrasound method accurately estimates due dates. Let’s understand both of the methods in detail: 

1. Ultrasound Method

You get a clear picture of the baby’s growth when you have your first ultrasound. Your doctor generally suggests the ultrasound in 12 weeks. You can get the correct estimation in the first trimester of pregnancy with the ultrasound method. This scan will give a report on your baby’s size and predict the due date. This method eliminates the problems associated with the formula method.

2. Formula Method

The formula to calculate the Estimate Due Dates based on the different parameters are given below:

  • By Last Menstrual Period Date

Calculating the date of conception is difficult; therefore, the formula uses the date of the last menstrual cycle. The LMP date is the date when your last month's periods began. The formula to calculate EDD is given as follows:

Estimate Due Date = Last Menstrual Period + 280 days

  • By Date of Conception

The date of conception is the date on which the egg is fertilized. This method of calculating the EDD can be used in IVF (in vitro fertilisation). 

Estimate Due Date = Date of Conception + 266 days

This method of calculating EDD is suitable for the pregnancy that happens with fertility treatment such as ART, Assisted reproductive technologies and artificial insemination.

  • Naegele’s Rule of Due Date Calculation

Naegele’s way of calculating the EDD is quite different from the other methods. In 1800, Naegele, named after a German professor of obstetrics, was given the formula to calculate the due date of delivery for pregnant ladies. Naegele’s rule for EDD calculation is given as follows:

Estimate Due Date= Last Menstrual Period +7 days -3 months 

This formula can also be used as: 

Estimate Due Date = Last Menstrual+ 1 Year-3 months + 7 days

3. Cycle Length

The length of the menstrual cycle is different for different ladies. The cycle length is nothing but the duration from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period.  Some might have a cycle length of 28 days, some have a shorter cycle length of less than 28 days, and some might have a cycle length of more than 30 days. 

Let us take an example of the cycle length: 

If the first day of the period is 1 December, and the first day of the next period is 28 December, then, the cycle length is 28 days.

Adjusting Due Dates for Long or Short Cycle

The above-given formulas are based on the 28-day cycle, i.e., when a pregnant woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days in the normal days. For women having long cycles of more than 28 days, and short cycles of less than 28 days,  the formula for EDD calculation will change accordingly.

  1. For long cycle: If a woman gets her period after 28 days, then you can calculate the EDD by subtracting 28 from cycle length and then add it to the EDD. Suppose your EDD comes out to be 8 September with the standard formula and your cycle length is 32 days, then the difference would be 4 days, so the EDD would be 12 september.
  2. For a short cycle: If a woman gets her next period before 28 days, then you can find your EDD by subtracting the difference (of cycle length and 28). For example: The cycle length of a woman is 26 days and EDD is 8 September with the standard formula, then the difference is 2 days which would be subtracted from 8 September and Estimate Due Date would be 6 September.

In this way, you can calculate the Estimate Due Date for you.


Every pregnant woman counts eagerly each day of her pregnancy to welcome her baby.  To find out your estimated due date is simpler using the above formulas. You must be wishing for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Have you heard about preventing your baby’s health from future health issues with stem cell preservation? You can think of blessing your baby with this amazing gift of Stem Cell Preservation. Consult today to learn more about our stem cell preservation at Cryoviva.