Essential Checklist for Preserving Baby Cord Blood
With evolving stem cell therapy and unbelievable results in finding a cure for life-threatening diseases, many soon-to-be parents are interested in stem cell banking. However, most parents struggle with how to proceed with preserving their baby’s cord blood and how to prepare for it.
First of all, it is essential to understand the financial aspect associated with stem cell banking. While stem cell preservation presents hope for the future, banking stem cells is expensive. Each year, you will have to pay annual maintenance fees to the stem cell banking facility, and you will have to choose a reliable stem cell bank that offers flexible financing options and affordable stem cell banking facilities.
Once your financing is aligned, here is a checklist that you can follow to preserve your baby’s cord blood.
Checklist for Preserving Baby Cord Blood
Some points to be noted for preserving baby cord blood are as follows:
1. Learning About Cord Blood and Stem Cell Banking
The first step on our cord blood banking checklist is to look more closely at cord blood banking. Stem cell banking and cord blood banking are different. Stem cells are procured from the cord blood sample, processed to improve their efficiency, and cryo-preserved to sustain their viability for many years. Hence, understand the difference and choose what you want.
2. Choosing the Right Cord Blood Bank
After learning about the numerous benefits of conserving umbilical cord blood, you can proceed further to select a trustworthy umbilical cord stem cell bank. Follow the below steps in order to choose the correct cord blood bank:
- You can ask doctors, friends, and family for recommendations on credible providers.
- You can search online for reviews of different providers, inspect where they process and store their samples, and compare their services and costs.
- Ensure that the blood bank meets regulatory requirements and enquires about their process.
Check the stem cell banking facility accreditations, certifications, technology they use to process the stem cells, their network in India and abroad, and financing options.
3. Choose whether you want to go for public or private banking
You will also have to choose between public or private cord blood banking. As their name suggests, in private stem cell banking, the stem cells will be available for your personal use; however, in the case of public banking, they will be available to anyone who’s in need. So, you can make a well-informed decision after discussing it with your doctor or stem cell banking experts.
4. Contact the stem cell banking facility experts and make your decision before the third trimester.
If you have decided on stem cell preservation, finalize the stem cell banking facility before your third trimester and consult them on how you want to proceed. You will have to choose a plan, discuss all the details, and clear your doubts before signing the deal or contract. You will have the option to choose between lifetime banking or banking for a certain period.
5. Inform the stem cell provider about your due delivery date before a month.
It is essential to inform the stem cell provider about your due delivery date before a month so they can send the umbilical cord blood collection kit well beforehand your labor pain starts. Keep it at the top in the hospital bag so that you can give it to your doctor.
Understand the Cord Blood Banking Process
When saving your baby's cord blood, it is important to understand how it is processed, stored, and used later. After the delivery, the umbilical cord is cut after 1 minute, and cord blood is collected using the kit. This sample is transported to a stem cell banking facility, where the rest of the procedure takes place.
- Cord Blood Processing
The processing procedure can influence the number of stem cells accessible, the types of stem cells available, the size of the sample, and how many times it can be used. Any of these characteristics may influence the efficacy of cord blood for treatment. Once treated, it cannot be reversed; thus, selecting the optimum processing procedure is critical.
- Cord Blood Storage
The obtained cord blood sample will be sent to a storage facility to be cryogenically frozen. The cord blood bank will generate a storage certificate that includes your unique ID number, cell count, viability, and sterility. The certificate will be hand-delivered to your home or place of business.
Final Words
In the entire process of cord blood banking, it is essential to choose stem cell banking because the experts will provide end-to-end support to make every step simplified for you. For instance, Cryoviva is one of the advanced stem cell banking facilities in India, with affordable pricing plans with flexible financing options. With their availability in semi-urban, metropolitan areas, and abroad, Cryoviva offers the best services to navigate the cord blood banking journey for soon-to-be parents