Vegetables to Eat when Pregnant

Category: Pregnancy Nutrition Published On: 16 September, 2024

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Every woman thinks about questions, like what to eat, what to avoid, and what's best for my child and me, as soon as she finds out she is pregnant. Consuming the right vegetables during pregnancy can provide your baby with essential vitamins and minerals. 

All vegetables have something that contributes in fulfilling the nutrient requirement of you and your baby. However, there are some vegetables that should be avoided, like raw sprouts, raw radishes, pre-packed salad items, or any vegetables which have high nitrates, like celery and lettuce. 

Are you wondering what vegetable is safe to eat during pregnancy? Read the blog below: 

Best Vegetables During Pregnancy 

You can get the best nutrients from the natural vegetables, some of them are listed below:

  • Tomatoes: Vitamins C and K, as well as biotin
  • Asparagus: Vitamins A, C, E, K, fiber, and folate
  • Beets (in a limited quantity): They are a natural fiber source that also helps support the immune system.
  • Yams or sweet potatoes: Vitamins A, B, and C.
  • Bell peppers: Source of fiber.
  • Parsley:  Vitamin E, protein, and riboflavin.
  • Broccoli: High in fiber and provides folate, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K.
  • Leafy greens: Chard, spinach, mustard greens, collard greens, lettuce, or kale are a great source of fiber, folate, and carotenoids.
  • Cucumber: Rich source of water and fiber.
  • Green peas: Rich in fiber, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K.
  • Summer and winter squash:  Protein, fiber, folate, and Vitamin A, C, and K sources

Ask your doctor about additional vegetables that could be helpful for both you and the baby on the way.

How many Vegetable Servings are Appropriate?

Feeling slightly more hungry than normal is reasonable as you are consuming food for two. Meals that are smaller and more frequent are usually advised. You may be more susceptible to stomach disorders, however they are less likely to occur with smaller meals.

A daily intake of 2.3 to 5 cups of vegetables, either raw or cooked, is sufficient for most women. It is preferable to eat veggies instead of depending only on supplements. Regular exercise and getting the restorative sleep you require will also be beneficial.

Benefits of Vegetables during Pregnancy 

You must eat a plate full of foods rich in fiber and other nutrients. The intake of healthy food with proper nutrition can safeguard against many deficiencies and even gestational diabetes.

By maintaining healthy food habits, you will maintain the optimal weight gain, controlled blood pressure, ideal weight of baby at the time of birth and lessen the chances of developing anemia. 

Certain essential nutrients include:

  1. Beta carotene- Supports the baby's immune system, eyesight, and tissue growth.
  2. Vitamin C -  Growth of healthy tissue, teeth, and bones.
  3. Folic acid-  Maintains a healthy weight and reduces the risk of neural tube defects.
  4. Potassium-  Regulates blood pressure more effectively.


A diet high in vegetables during pregnancy will supply many of the nutrients required to promote the development of your baby. However, always remember to check with your prenatal care physician regarding your diet, and if there is anything you are wondering about, it is always better to err on the side of caution. 

As you are approaching your delivery date, you will be more cautious and consider things that are safe for your baby. Have you considered stem cell banking? Stem cell preservation secures your baby’s future, and you can visit Cryoviva to know how stem cell banking now can save your future.